Research Group Prof. Marquardt - Social Geography

The current research focus of the research group Social Geography is in the area of geographic housing research, critical urban research and human-environment research.

Gruppenbild AG Marquardt-Foto-Friederike Pauk-GIUB_print_16_09.jpg
© Friederike Pauk/GIUB


Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Barabra Frommann/Uni Bonn


Office hours with Prof. Marquardt 

Please book an appointment under this link.

You have two options for attending the office hours: in person at GIUB, room 132 or remotely via Zoom (see the link below, if you prefer to attend via Zoom, kindly send me an email to inform me).

To request a supervision of your BA or MA thesis, you need a 2-3-page exposé, preferably in the research field of the professorship, in which you present your research project (research topic and question, theory, state of the art, methods).
The exposé should be sent by e-mail at least three working days before the appointment. 

The consultation hour will then take place under the following link: Zoomlink to office hours

Meeting-ID: 970 1968 1791
Kenncode: 298745

The personal e-mail addresses of the members of the research group can be found under Team.

Avatar Marquardt

Prof. Dr. Nadine Marquardt

0.054 (132)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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