Department of Geography at the University of Bonn
The Department of Geography at the University of Bonn is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and belongs to the Department of Earth Sciences. Our research and teaching covers almost the entire spectrum of Geography, which guarantees the necessary breadth in an interdisciplinary study program.
Once a semester, the Department of Geography publishes a newsletter on current developments and events.
The Department of Geography has a rich history that spans more than 140 years of teaching and research. It is the largest and one of the most distinguished Geography departments in Germany.
It has 15 independent research groups that encompass a wide variety of geographical topics. Our research is organized around eight research clusters within three main research areas: Water, Risk and Geomatics. Geomorphology, Hydrology, Development Geography and Remote Sensing are just a few examples of our wide choice of research clusters in Human and Physical Geographies. Each of our research fields is managed by one or more professors in the department. This enables us to provide our students with a high quality and unique education, especially if they wish to choose an interdisciplinary or applied study-approach.

The Department of Geography on Social Media
The Department of Geography is active on different social media portals. Please use the following links to get directly on our profiles.
Links to other important institutions
Directly connected with the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn are the Fachschaft Geographie, the Geographical Society of Bonn and the Geoverbund ABC/J.