06. November 2023

Andrew Cumbers is new visiting professor at GIUB Andrew Cumbers is new visiting professor at GIUB

The Deartment of Geography and especially the Economic Geography Working Group (Prof. B. Klagge) welcomes Prof. Dr. Andrew Cumbers who will be a part of the working group until the end of 2024.

Cumbers at PSI Global Congress
Cumbers at PSI Global Congress © Andrew Cumbers
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Professor Cumbers is a distinguished economic geographer. His research interests include economic democracy, urban and regional development, public and collective ownership, and employment relations. His work is published widely in leading journals of human geography and economics.

Professor Cumbers received an ERC Advanced grant to conduct research on “Global Remunicipalisation and the Post-Neoliberal Turn – A comparative research project investigating remunicipalisation in Europe, Latin America and the United States“. His grant allows him to finalize his project at the University of Bonn.

During his stay, Professor Cumbers participates in the Economic Geography Working Group’s activities and he will also teach an economic geography class in February 2024.

Professor Cumbers answered a few questions for us in a short Interview:

Which research projects are you working on at the moment?

AC: My main research project at the moment is a European Research Council Advanced Grant: "Global Remunicipalisation and the Post-Neoliberal Turn”. This explores the trend for cities, municipalities and regions to de-privatise infrastructure, assets and resources. The aim is to interrogate the trend in the context of debates around the status of neoliberalism as an economic governance project and to explore the democratic potential of remunicipalisation in reviving local engagement and participation. I am also writing up research papers from a recent EU Horizon project on municipal energy transition and citizen participation. My broader research interests are in alternative forms of development that foster economic democracy and democratic forms of collective ownership. I am currently writing a book for Verso entitled “The Future of the Public”

Do you have any joint projects with the research group on economic geography (Prof. Klagge) that you will work on during your research stay in Bonn?

AC: We are not working directly on a project but there are many overlaps, particularly with my work on democratic ownership, community and citizen participation and energy transition in particular.

You will teach a class on economic geography in February 2024. Can you tell us already what the content will be and who can participate?

AC: The class title is "Uneven Development and the Global Economy". It will take a critical perspective on processes of economic development in the global economy including exploring alternatives more progressive and egalitarian forms. It is open to Bachelors students in their final years.

Thank you for the interview, Prof. Cumbers! And welcome to our department!

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