Based on the research carried out by the research group, teaching activities cover theoretical and applied approaches in geomorphology, global environmental change issues and natural hazards and risks. More information on current and previous courses, PhD, Master and Bachelor theses conducted within the research group, and the scientific colloquium can be found below.
Teaching focus:
- General geomorphology
- Geomorphic processes in high mountain areas
- Natural hazards and risks
- Global and environmental change
- Field methods in geomorphology
- Geomorphometric analysis of digital elevation models
Our research-driven teaching activities focus on theoretical and applied approaches in geomorphology, global environmental change issues and natural hazards and risks. We further offer methodological courses on morphometric analysis and GIS applications in geomorphology (check out our current courses and BSc and MSc thesis topics down below). The integration of quantitative methods (lab and field) and the participation of students in research projects are of primary concern.

The Master's Programme „Master of Disaster Management and Risk Governance"

"Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management"-Project

International Joint MSc Programme: Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Courses of Winter 2024/2025
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: 1-Day field trip Physical Geography (T. Köhler)
- B1: Introduction to Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B7: Introduction to geomatics (lecture) (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- B8a: Introduction to the geomorphological methods (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B10: 3-Day field trip Physical Geography to the Eifel (Dr. R. Bell)
- B10: 3-Day field trip Physical Geography Bonn's surroundings (I. Zangana)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (seminar) (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B15: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B15: Introduction to Geomorphology (seminar) (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Studies in Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M2/JM3: GIS and geomorphology/natural hazards (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell)
- M2/JM3: New Concepts and Methods in Earth Surface Processes (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM2: Earth System Science (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm

Previous courses
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: 5-Day field trip Physical Geography (T. Köhler)
- B2: Advanced physical geography (seminar) (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann, D. A. Ortiz)
- B5a/15: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B8a: Introduction to Geomorphological methods (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott, D. A. Ortiz)
- B10: Field trip to the austrian Alps (Dr. R. Bell)
- B11: Physiogeographical effects of the 2021 flood in the Ahr valley (project seminar) (Dr. R. Bell, Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (seminar) (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M7/JM5: The Nature of Environmental Hazards (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M7: Environmental and hydrological hazards in mountain regions (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott, Dr. R. Bell)
- M5: Field trip and seminar: The Alps (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: 1-Day field trip Physical Geography (Prof. L. Schrott, Dr. Schoch-Baumann)
- B1: Introduction to Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B2: Advanced physical geography (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell)
- B5a/15: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B7: Introduction to geomatics (lecture) (Dr. Schoch-Baumann)
- B8a: Introduction to the geomorphological methods (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B10: 3-Day field trip Physical Geography to the Eifel (Dr. R. Bell)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (seminar) (Dr. Schoch-Baumann)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Studies in Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M2/JM3: GIS and geomorphology/natural hazards (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell)
- JM2: Earth System Science (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M5: Field trip organisation seminar: The Alps (Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: 5-Day field trip Physical Geography (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann, T. Köhler)
- B2: Advanced physical geography (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell, T. Köhler, M. Stammler)
- B5a/15: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B5a/15: Introduction to Geomorphology (seminar) (Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- B10: Field trip to the austrian Alps (Dr. R. Bell)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M7/JM5: The Nature of Environmental Hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott, Dr. R. Bell)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm in ÜIV
Bachelor Geography:
B0: 1-Day field trip Physical Geography (R. Kusdian)
- B1: Introduction to Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B2: Advanced physical geography (seminar) (R. Kusdian)
- B5a/15: Introduction to Geomorphology (seminar) (Dr. Schoch-Baumann)
- B5b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B8a: Introduction to the geomorphological methods (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Studies in Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM2: Earth System Science (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M3: Natural hazards and Earth Surface Processes (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M5: Field trip and seminar: Argentina (Prof. L. Schrott, D. Ortiz) -> see pictures below :-)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott, Dr. R. Bell)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm in ÜIV
Summer 2022
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: 5-Day field trip Physical Geography (Dr. R. Bell, Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann, T. Köhler)
- B2: Advanced physical geography (seminar) (M. Stammler, R. Kusdian)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B8a: Introduction to the geomorphological (field) methods (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B8a: Introduction to GIS applications in geomorphology (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M5: Field trip and seminar: The Alps (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M7/JM5: The Nature of Environmental Hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott, Dr. R. Bell)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm in ÜII
Winter 2021/2022
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: 1-Day field trip Physical Geography (T. Köhler, R. Kusdian)
- B1: Introduction to Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar) (M. Stammler)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Studies in Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M2: GIS and Geomorphology (seminar) (Dr. R. Bell)
- JM2: Earth System Science (Dr. R. Bell)
Summer 2021
Bachelor Geography
- B2: 5-Day field trip Physical Geography (Dr. R. Bell, T. Köhler)
- B2: Advanced physical geography (seminar) (M. Stammler)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B8a: Introduction to the geomorphological (field) methods (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B11: Changing environmental processes in mountain systems (seminar) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M7/JM5: The Nature of Environmental Hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, digital ZOOM Meeting
Winter 2020/2021
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: 1-Day field trip Physical Geography (M. Stammler, T. Köhler)
- B1: Introduction to Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar) (A. Schoch-Baumann, R. Kusdian)
- B5a: Introduction to geomorphological systems and processes (T. Köhler)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B10: 3-Day field trip: Northern Eifel (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Studies in Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M1: Science Theory (lecture) (Prof. K. Hörschelmann, Prof. L. Schrott)
- M2/JM3: Analysis of natural hazards and geophysical applications in geomorphology (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM2: Earth System Science (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, digital ZOOM Meetings
Sommer 2020
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar) (A. Schoch-Baumann, R. Kusdian)
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (field methods) (C. Halla, T. Köhler, R. Kusdian)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M4/JM6: Changing environmental processes in mountain systems (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M1/JM5: The Nature of Environmental Hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, digital ZOOM Meetings
Winter 2019/2020
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: 1-Day field trip Physical Geography (A. Schoch-Baumann)
- B0: Geomorphic excursion in and around Bonn (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B1: Introduction to physical geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar) (R. Kusdian)
- B10: 3-day field trip: Lower Rhine, Siebengebirge and Eifel (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Recent approaches in hazard research/geomorphology (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- M3: Introduction into earth surface processes and global environmental change (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM2: Earth System Science (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, room: ÜIV
Summer 2019
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (field methods) (C. Halla, R. Kusdian)
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar) (R. Kusdian)
- B5a: Earth surface processes and global environmental change (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B10: Field trip to the Austrian Alps: Geomorphology and natural hazards in the light of global environmental change (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- B11: Earth surface processes and natural hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B12: Interdisciplinary perspectives on recent dynamics of mountain regions (Dr. J. Blöthe, Dr. J. Poerting)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an Occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM5: The Nature of Environmental Hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, room: ÜIV
Winter 2018/19
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: Geomorphic excursion in and around Bonn (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B1: Introduction to physical geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B11: Global environmental change and earth surface processes (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an Occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Recent approaches in hazard research/geomorphology (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M2: Advanced methods in natural hazards research and geomorphology (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM2: Earth System Science (Prof. L. Schrott
Scientific Colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, room: ÜIV
Summer 2018
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: Introduction to Physical Geography (seminar) (A. Schoch, Dr. N. Schneevoigt)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B11: From source to sink - sediment dynamics in the Sieg catchment (Dr. J. Blöthe, A. Schoch)
- B13: Bachelor thesis seminar (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B14: Geography as an Occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M4: Floodriskmanagement (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- M5: Field trip and seminar: The Alps (Prof. L. Schrott) -> see pictures below :-)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM5: The nature of environmental hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific Colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, room: ÜIV
Winter 2017/2018
Bachelor Geography:
- B0: Geomorphic excursion in and around Bonn (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B1: Introduction to Physical Geography (lecture) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- B2: Introduction to Physcial Geography (seminar) (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B11: Sediment dynamics in alpine geomorphic systems (seminar) (A. Schoch)
- B14: Geography as an Occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M1: Natural hazards and geomorphological processes - current research topics (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- M1: Current approaches in geomorphology and natural hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M3 / M6: Global environmental change and earth surface processes (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M5: Field trip and seminar: The Alps (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM2: Earth System Science (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific Colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, room: ÜIV
Summer 2017
Bachelor Geography:
- B2: Introduction to Physical geography (seminar) (Dr. J. Blöthe)
- B2: Introduction to Physical geography (field methods) (A. Schoch)
- B5a/b: Introduction to natural hazards and risks (seminar) (H. Voß)
- B14: Geography as an Occupational Field (seminar) (H. Voß)
Master Geography and UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":
- M5: Field trip and seminar: Argentina (focus: Andes) (Prof. L. Schrott)
- M9: Colloquium for the master thesis (Prof. L. Schrott)
- JM5: The nature of environmental hazards (Prof. L. Schrott)
Scientific Colloquium:
- Thursday 4-6 pm, room: ÜIV
Pictures from the 2023 field trip to Argentina with master students

Pictures from the 2018 field trip in the Alps with master students

Interested students who want to write a Bachelor or Master thesis in our Research Group are invited to contact Prof. Lothar Schrott. Listed below you findsome examples for overarching themes in our research group, tips for writing your thesis (in German only), as well as our current and completed theses. Please note that the topics are given in English here, but your thesis can be written in English or German.
Overarching themes
- Geomorphology of High Mountains
- Natural Hazards and Risks
- Permafrost
- Geomorphological Mapping
- Sediment Budgets
- Morphometric Analysis of Digital Topography (GIS-Based)
- Geophysical Methods (ERT, SRT, etc.)
- Drone-Based Surveys
- Hydrogeomorphology
Tips for writing your thesis (in German only)
Provides general tips on the structure and content of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, the most common mistakes, as well as literature recommendations.

Current dissertations
- Köhler, Tamara: Geomorphic characteristics and permafrost hydrology of a semi-arid High Andean catchment. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Kusdian, René: Approaches towards a more resilient Environmental and Disaster Risk Management. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Ortiz, Agostina: Detection, Distribution and Hydrological Significance of Andean permafrost in taluses and blockslopes in the Agua Negra Basin, Argentina- a geophysical approach. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Stammler, Melanie: Interannual and seasonal surface change in a glacial-periglacial (de)coupled landscape and its implications on local hydrology in the semi-arid catchment of the Agua Negra river, Argentina. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Terweh, Simon: Modelling sediment storage and cascades. (supervisor: PD Dr. T. Hoffmann, Prof. L. Schrott)
- Wood, Ella: Investigating the Hydrological Significance of Rock Glaciers in Central Asi. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zangana, Ikram: Mapping Middle-mountain Geomorphology from high-resolution Lidar DTM data. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Current master theses
- Subsurface patterns of blockslopes and talus slopes in a periglacial Andean environment using geophysics (Agua Negra, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Animal Rescue in Disaster Response: Operational Resources for Bushfire and Flood Events in the Greater Sydney Region. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Current bachelor theses
- Potential spatial occurrence of permafrost in blockslopes and talus slopes exemplified by electrical resistivity tomography in the High Andes (Agua Negra, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Completed theses
Bachelor theses
- Verbesserungen und Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von Drohnen durch das Technische Hilfswerk am Beispiel der Ahrtal-Katastrophe 2021. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Abflussregime in den Ötztaler Alpen. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Subeinzugsgebieten mit unterschiedlichem Vergletschrungsgrad im Zeitraum 1983-2020. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Potential spatial occurrence of permafrost in blockslopes and talus slopes exemplified by ERT in the High Andes (Agua Negra, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Geophysikalisches Feuchtigkeitsmonitoring einer reaktivierten Hangrutschung, Müsch (Ahrtal). (supervisor: Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- Geomorphologische Auswirkungen des Starkregenereignisses im Juli 2021 auf Tributäre im Ober- und Mittellauf der Ahr entlang des Niederschlagsgradienten. (supervisor: Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- Charakterisierung einer Hangrutschung mithilfe geoelektrischer Messungen im Einzugsgebiet des Berger Bachs (Hohe Tauern). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Ökologische Herausforderungen für Tennisplätze im Kontext des Klimawandels. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Struktur und Bedeutung der ehrenamtlichen Arbeit im Katastrophenschutz von NRW - am Beispiel der Malteser Standorte Bad Honnef, Siegburg und Meckenheim. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Feuchtigkeitsmonitoring einer Hangrutschung bei Müsch (Ahrtal) mittels Geoelektrik (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
- Potentiale und Limitationen des Deeper Sonars CHIRP 2+ für hydrologische und fluvialgeomorphologische Fragestellungen – Eine Untersuchung in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Rheinland-Pfalz. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
- Observing the spatio-temporal evolution of glacial lakes in the Huaraz region, Peru – a remote sensing approach (1990-2023). (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
- Bodenerosionsmodellierung mittels Allgemeiner Bodenabtragsgleichung (ABAG) im Ahrtal (Rheinland-Pfalz). (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
Master theses
- Detection and temporal change of rock glacier permafrost in the Austrian Alps based on electric resistivity tomography and seismic refraction tomography. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Internal structure and potential permafrost occurrenceriglacial landforms derived from geophysics (High Andes, San Juan, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Influence of abiotic factors and vegetation on storage of soil organic carbon in selected regions of Alaska. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Inta-annual discharge variability of a semi-arid high mountain catchment (Agua Negra, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott,)
- Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die hydrologischen Faktoren der Etsch im Vinschgau, Italien. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Auswirkungen von städtebaulicher Verdichtung auf die Starkregengefährdung - modellbasierter Vergleich der Jahre 2001 und 2021 der Gemeinde Petingen, Luxemburg. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
- Detection and temporal change of rockglacier permafrost in the Austrian Alps based on electrical resistivity tomography and seismic refraction tomography. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Naturgefahrenkartierung im Bonner Stadtgebiet - zur Bedeutung historischer und aktueller Ereignisse. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Einflussfaktoren auf den Belastungszustand von Betroffenen am Beispiel der Flutkatastrophe 2021 im Ahrtal. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
- Organisationsstrukturen im Katastrophenschutz. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
Bachelor theses
- Permafrost degradation and high mountain hazards - a comparative study on influencing factors with examples from the Alps, the Andes and the Himalayas. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Subsurface structure of talus slopes and blockslopes exemplified by electrical resistivity tomography in the high Andes (Agua Negra, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur internen Struktur einer Hangrutschung auf Grundlage von geoelektrischen Messungen (Müsch, Ahrtal). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Geomorphologische Auswirkungen des Starkregenereignisses im Juli 2021 auf das Einzugsgebiet des Aulbachs (Ahrtal). (supervisor: Dr. A. Schoch-Baumann)
- Contrasting supraglacial debris cover of the adjacent Passu and Ghulkin glaciers in the Hunza Valley, Karakoram - possible causes and impacts on glacier geometry, dynamics and ablation. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur Bewertung des Zivilschutzes in Luxemburg vor dem Hintergrund der Zusammenlegung der beteiligten Akteure. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Inventarisierung gravitativer Massenbewegungen im nordrhein-westfälischen Teil des Ahr-Einzugsgebietes im Kontext des Extremereignisses 2021. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
- Multi-Hazard Analyse von Manila, Philippinen. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
Master theses
- Kinematics of a rock glacier in the dry Andes using uncrewed aerial vehicles (Dos Lenguas, San Juan, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur Kinematik eines aktiven Blockgletschers mittels Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Glatzschneid, Hohe Tauern, Osttirol). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur Selbsthilfe der Bevölkerung vor dem Hintergrund des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Chancen und Herausforderungen der Integrierung von Spontanhelfenden in den Bevölkerungsschutz - aufgezeigt am Beispiel der Flutkatastrophe (Kreis Ahrweiler im Juli 2021). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Airborne laser scanning based assessment of flood features and geomorphological changes induced by the extreme 2021 event in the Ahr valley, Germany. (supervisor: Dr. Rainer Bell, Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur Kinematik von glazialen und periglazialen Landschaftsformen in Argentinien mittels satellitengestützter Radarfernerkundung. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Disaster impacts and sustainable development indicators: Causal effects on health, education, and food security in Malawi. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Mapping Rock Glacier Occurrence – a Comparative Study of Inventories between the Austrian Alps & the Semiarid Argentinian Andes. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Assessing the Role of Disaster Risk Education in Secondary Schools in Light of Community Resilience. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Hillslope failure due to stream undercutting: The 2021 flood event in the Ahr valley and resulting mass movements – A multi method approach. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott, Dr. R. Bell)
- Integration of forest health aspects in flood risk reduction. Implementation, trade-offs, and synergies of distinct forest management objectives. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
Bachelor theses
- Mapping natural hazards along a pass road in the Central Andes (Agua Negra, San Juan, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Rock glacier surface change derived from structure from motion photogrammetry (Dos Lenguas, San Juan, Argentina). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Hydrochemie und Hydrologie des Wassereinzugsgebietes Agua Negra in den argentinischen Anden – ein erster Ansatz. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Katastrophenbewältigung infolge der Ahrtal-Flut 2021 - Wahrnehmung vonseiten professioneller und spontaner Hilfe. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Hillslope failure due to stream undercutting: The 2021 Flood event in the Ahr Valley and a resulting mass movement - a multi method approach. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Spatial Analysis of Periglacial Landforms in the Argentinian Andes. Remote Sensing & GIS-Mapping of Blockslopes and Taluses. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Unplanned Urbanization and Hydro-torrential Hazards in the Himalayas: A Case Study for Future Risk Mitigation in Nainital, India. (supervisor: Dr. R. Bell)
Bachelor theses
- Downstream variations of grain size and vegetation along ephemeral channels derived from UAV data, Santa Gracia (Chile). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott, PD T. Hoffmann)
- Konzept zur Einsatzplanung für den Ausfall der Trinkwasserversorgung in medizinischen Einrichtungen – Handlungsoptionen für eine Not- und Ersatzwasserversorgung am Beispiel des Kinderkrankenhauses Amsterdamer Straße (Köln). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Sturzfluten und der Einfluss ausgewählter Faktoren auf die Vulnerabilität (Wadi Mekerra, Algerien). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Gravitative Massenbewegungen in der Sedimentkaskade der südlichen Zentralanden - Räumliche Verteilung und Einfluss auf das fluviale System. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zukünftige Windextreme in Europa - Eine Analyse von Klimaprojektionen auf Basis unterschiedlicher Szenarien. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Effizienz von Frühwarnsystemen im Hochwassermanagement - Exemplarisch aufgezeigt am Rhein. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Schoch-Baumann, Anna: Quantifying sediment storage in the headwaters of alpine catchments. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Saisonale Variabilität der internen Struktur des Kaiserbergblockgletschers, Ötztaler Alpen, Österreich. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Die würmzeitliche Vergletscherung der nördlichen Alpen – Klassische Ansätze, neue Erkenntnisse und das Fallbeispiel Rheingletscher. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Kaskadierende Risiken des SARS-CoV-2-Virus in Österreich - Eine erste Bestandsaufnahme. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Starkregengefahr in Bonn-Kessenich: Wirkung von Informationen und Erfahrungen auf das Anpassungsverhalten der Bewohner*innen. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Niedrigwasserereignisse am Rhein - Auswirkungen und Anpassungsstrategien im Kontext des Klimawandels. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Re-thinking early warning systems to volcanic hazards: a case stuy from Fuego volcano, Guatemala. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Die Herausforderung der Schadenserfassung nach Katastrophen - Ein Beitrag zum Sendai Framework Monitoring am Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalen. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Analyse der Versorgungsengpässe von Treibstoffen durch Niedrigwasser im Rhein. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Starkregen und Sturzfluten als Herausforderung für Bürger und Einsatzkräfte - Eine Bedarfsanalyse mit Fokus auf den Bonner Raum. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur rezenten Vulkanischen Aktivität des Laacher Sees. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Bewertung der Resilienz der Kritischen Infrastruktur Trinkwasserversorgung bei Dürreereignissen am Beispiel der Stadt Löhne, NRW. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Natural hazards and risks along the Agua Negra pass road, San Juan, Argentina. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Zum Periglazial in den südlichen Zentralanden - historische und gegenwärtige Forschungsarbeiten. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Detecting surface changes on the Dos Lenguas rock glacier in the Argentinean Andes using structure from motion photogrammetry. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
Master theses
- Investigating model sensitivity of ERT inversions from rock glaciers in the (semi)arid Andes of Argentina to reduce uncertainty of hydrological assessments. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Vulnerabilitätsanalyse für die Ortschaft Sulden, Südtirol. Erfassung der physischen Vulnerabilität von Gebäuden gegenüber Murgängen. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Interkommunale Konzepte zur Stärkung der Resilienz von Ballungsräumen. Möglichkeiten der Übertragbarkeit auf den Großraum Magdeburg (Sachsen-Anhalt). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Cause of mass movements in low relief landscapes. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Snowpack characteristics and its impact on ground surface temperatures at discontinuous sporadic permafrost sites in the Yukon and BC, Canada. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Barrieren eines erfolgreichen Wissensmanagement im Bevölkerungsschutz. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Detektion von Toteis in (Seiten-)Moränen mittels geoelektrischer Messverfahren im Kaunertal, Österreich. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Der Vesuv als Naturgefahr - Eine Analyse des Krisenmanagements in Neapel. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Umweltveränderungen und der Umgang mit Risiken im alpinen Sommertourismus - Fallbeispiel Großglockner (Hohe Tauern/Österreich). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Wissensmanagement in Katastrophenschutzorganisationen - Umgang mit Wissen ehrenamtlicher Helfer. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Zur Hanghydrologie und Kinematik Salcherrutschung (Gresten/Niederösterreich).
- Conceptual approaches to risk management - a comparative study based on risk cycle models.
- The automated approach to estimate large-scale flood volumes based on SAR satellite imagery and different DEMs - a risk management support. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Reliefanalyse und digitale Korngrößenmessungen am Beispiel eines Blockgletscher-Komplexes in den semiariden Anden Argentiniens. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Untersuchung der Active Layer Variabilität des Morenas Coloradas Blockgletscherkomplex unter Anwendung der 2D-Refraktionsseismik. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Causes of mass movements in low relief landscapes. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Morphometrische Analyse von Schwemmfächern, Murkegeln und ihren Einzugsgebieten im Karakorum. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Schutz kritischer Infrastruktur bei extremen Hochwasserereignissen in der Bundesstadt Bonn am Beispiel der A565 bei Geislar. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Methodenvergleich zu Gefahrenanalysen von gravitativen Massenbewegungen. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Steuerungsfaktoren der Hangrutschung an der Dollendorfer Hardt (Bonn). (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Permafrost-Degradation und Erosion an der Küste der Beaufortsee. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Dammbrüche von Absetzbecken und deren ökologische Folgen: das Beispiel Bento Rodrigues, Brasilien. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- GIS-basierte Analyse von gravitativen Massenbewegungen im Himalaya-Karakorum Gebirge anhand von morphometrischen Parametern. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Steuerfaktoren der Terrassenbildung in der Siegaue bei Hennef. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Assessment of coastal vulnerability for the North Sea island Sylt (Germany). (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Development of a Model to derive glacier covered areas and their morphometric parameters from remote sensing data in southwestern Canada. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Alpine Sedimentkaskaden im Minstigertal, Schweiz. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Near surface temperatures in alpine rock faces as proxies for frost cracking (Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern, Austria). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Quantifizierung von Gullyerosion im Katzbachtal, Bergisches Land. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Das Wasserschloss Asiens im globalen Wandel. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
Master theses
- Sediment volume and internal structure of talus cones derived from ground penetrating radar measurements (Goms, Switzerland). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Steuerungsfaktoren und Quantifizierung aktiver Rutschungskörper im Steinlach Einzugsgebiet - Schwäbische Alb. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- GIS-basierte Modellierung gravitativer Prozesse im US-Bundesstaat Utah. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Modelling peak outflow of potential landslide dams failures in the NW Himalaya. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Eine kritische Betrachtung des Hochwasserschutzkonzepts der Stadt Köln. Implikationen eines Führungswechsels bei einem Großschadensereignis. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Entwicklung der Lawinengefahr und -aktivität in den Schweizer Alpen zwischen 2000 und 2015 – Analyse und Bewertung klimatischer Einflüsse. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- GIS-gestützte Sedimentbilanzierung von drei kleinen Einzugsgebieten im Obergoms (Wallis, Schweiz). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Risikoanalyse für einen andauernden Stromausfall als Grundlage eines behördlichen Notfallplans am Beispiel der Verbandsgemeinde Altenkirchen. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Inventarisierung und Analyse der Blockgletscherverteilung im Nordwest-Himalaya anhand von Fernerkundungsdaten. (supervisor: Dr. J. Blöthe)
- Das Sedimentbudget in der Geomorphologie: Konzeptionelle Stärken und Schwierigkeiten der Quantifizierung mit Beispielen aus dem Alpenraum. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Schneegrenzschwankungen in den Alpen. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Zur Genese und Quantifizierung von Murkegeln im Lötschental (Wallis, Schweiz). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- An evaluation of climate change adaptation in a permafrost environment: A pilot study using the 'Terrain Analysis in Nunavut' Project in Arviat, Canada. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- The management and the mitigation of explosive remnants of war interacting with floods and landslides in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Bachelor theses
- Zur Verbreitung von Blockgletschern in den semiariden Hochanden: Verbreitungsmuster und Reliefabhängigkeit im Einzugsgebiet des Rio Mendoza (Argentinien/Chile). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Mapping Social Vulnerability on a Sub-National Scale – an index-based approach and its application in the Bolivian Altiplano. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Kartierung von gravitativen Massenbewegungen im Ahr- und Trierbachtal, (Rheinland-Pfalz). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
Master theses
- Aufbau und Nutzen eines Inventars von Gletschern, schuttbedeckten Gletschern und Blockgletschern in den semiariden und ariden Hochanden Argentiniens - Eine Kartierung mittels Satellitenbildern (Google Earth). (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Das Kitzsteinhorn: Eine alpine Landschaft unter dem Einfluss des Klimawandels - Ein Lehrpfad. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
- Konzeption eines geomorphologischen Lehrpfades im Bereich der südlichen Ville bei Bonn. (supervisor: Prof. L. Schrott)
During the semester we present current master theses and projects of our research group. Scientific papers and methods are reviewed and discussed. If you are a bachelor or master student and are interested, you are welcome to join!
Furthermore we occasionally invite scientists from Geomorphology and neighbouring disciplines of different departments and universities.
Time and location
Thursday, room ÜIV
04:00 - 06:00 pm
The colloquium is held in a hybrid mode (in person and ZOOM). If you are interested in joining digitally, please contact us.
Topics include:
Periglacial Geomorphology

Geomorphological/Geophysical methods

Sediment dynamics

Natural hazards