Multimodal Earth Vision and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Natural Hazard Risk and Impact Assessment Global changes encompass human-driven ...
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Filmvorführung und Podiumsdiskussion Neue Wege in der Lehre: Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Diversität. Reflexionen über ein dreijähriges Pilotprojekt. ...
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Innovating against the odds: Climate smart agricultural solutions for rural Africa Climate change poses serious threats to rural African communities, ...
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Controls on soil moisture variability and hydrological response to extreme events in a small Mediterranean catchment Understanding how catchments react to ...
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Dr Elisabeth Kirndörfer from the RG Cultural Geography and Douwe van Schie from the RG Development Geography presented their papers in the Human Geography ...
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The "International Day" takes place from 3-6 pm in the Geozentrum. Please find the program through the link below.
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In the drought research group at VU Amsterdam, we study human-water interactions related to drought and water security from an interdisciplinary perspective. ...
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Im Flussmäander: Kreative Ökologien des Wassers als feministisch-kartographische Befragung Kreative Ökologien des Wassers gehen der Frage nach, wie ...
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