Julia Klumparendt

Overview of areas of research and teaching, courses, curriculum vitae and publications.

Areas of Research and Teaching

  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • Transformative and Utopian Education
  • Critical and feminist pedagogy
  • Alternative pedagogical approaches to education and their potential for (Transformative) Geographic Education

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Julia Klumparendt

Deputy lecturer in higher education

1.019 (222)

Meckenheimer Alle 166

53115 Bonn

Office hours with Julia Klumparendt by appointment.


Julia Klumparendt studied Geography and German Studies for secondary school teaching at the Goethe University Frankfurt. After her teaching internship at the ZfsL Bonn and several years of working as a teacher at Rodenkirchen High School in Cologne, she applied for a position in geography education at the Geographical Institute of the University of Bonn, where she has been teaching and researching since February 2023.

Due to her own extensive practical experience, it is particularly important to her to design her teaching in a way that it offers concrete practical references and experiences in order to make the geography teaching degree program as application-oriented as possible. She aims to encourage an intensive, critically-reflective examination of the educational significance of geography as a subject as well as didactic questions and concepts. Additionally, it is particularly important to her to open up spaces in which students can concretise and reflect on their own teacher’s personality and their role in the school system in general.

Against the backdrop of the pressing crises of our time, which allow no further delay in action (see, among others, Bedehäsing & Padberg 2017), and considering the fact that the success of a necessary "Great Transformation" is ultimately decided "primarily in the field of education" (Oberrauch & Keller 2016: 1) (see, among others, Schneidewind 2019), her overarching research interest is the question of how a solution-oriented, transformative, and motivating (geography) education can reduce the – so called – "value action gap" (Chiari et al. 2016: 5). Studies show that the environmental behavior of (among others) children does not reflect their attitudes and (theoretical) willingness to change (see, for example, BMUV 2022: 41). This indicates that "[we] [...] need a new kind of education for Sustainable Development that works, indeed, must work!" (Oberrauch & Keller 2016: 1). In response to this, an approach called ‘Transformative Geographic Education’ (e. g. Pettig & Ohl 2023) has only recently been gaining traction within geography didactics, evolving the concept of ‘Education for Sustainable Development’. Following up on this in her research, it is a particular concern of Julia to determine where and why this theoretical willingness to change is drying up and how it could be captured through an appropriate (transformative) geographic education, which, while still conveying climate-relevant knowledge, also takes into account emotions (such as climate anxiety) and creates open-ended spaces in which the student’s future can be thought of and shaped anew (Pettig & Ohl 2023). Her research interest is therefore primarily focused on the question of what geography education can look like in order to generate motivation for action for global (environmental) change instead of promoting feelings of helplessness and passivity – and what structural and organisational framework conditions in schools are needed to enable this. In this context, Julia examines, as part of her doctoral research, the potential of alternative pedagogical concepts, using the example of the developmental approach "Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs (OGO)" (van Oers 2013) from the Netherlands. In view of its overarching goals and postulates and the structural framework within which ‘Development-oriented Education (OGO)’ takes place, it is assumed that this concept can provide important impetus and serve as a source of inspiration for the beforementioned intent.


Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 03/2023: University of Bonn: Deputy lecturer in higher education at the Department of Geography | Geography Education
  • 10/2022-03/2023: University of Bonn: Teaching assignment at the Department of Geography | Geography Education
  • 08/2017-01/2023: Rodenkirchen High School Cologne: Secondary Teacher for Geography and German
  • 11/2015-04/2023: Municipal Gymnasium Lohmar & Center for Practical Teacher Education Bonn: Teaching internship | Completion of 2nd State Examination
  • 08/2012-03/2013: Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland: Study abroad semester | Erasmus
  • 10/2011 - 06/2014: Student assistant at the Institute of Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt | Chair: Geography and Geography Education, Prof. Dr. Antje Schlottmann
  • 10/2010-05/2015: Goethe University Frankfurt am Main: Studies in Geography and German Studies for secondary school teaching | Degree: 1st State Examination
  • 08/2009-07/2010: Theater Bonn: Voluntary Cultural Year (FSJK)

BA20 LA (PO 2017 + PO 2022): Foundations of Geography Didactics II

M6 LA (PO 2022): Spatial Socialization and (Transformative) Geographical Education in the Context of Climate and Global Change. A "Search for Traces" in Tallinn and Helsinki

BA20 LA (PO 2017 + PO 2022): Foundations of Geography Didactics

B4 (PO 2020): Advanced Human Geography

M4 LA (PO 2022): Geography Didactics II (Preparation and Follow-up of the Internship Semester)

M5 LA (PO 2022): Seminar Accompanying the Internship Semester

BA20 LA (PO 2017 + PO 2022): Foundations of Geography Didactics

B4 (PO 2020): Advanced Human Geography

B4 (PO 2020): Methods Practicum in Human Geography

M6 LA (PO 2022): Netherlands. Spatial Socialization and (Transformative) Geographical Education in the Context of Climate Change


Research projects and Funding


Duration: 2024-2026

Leadership: Prof. Dr. Christina Crawford (Emory University, Atlanta, USA), Prof. Dr. Eva Nöthen (University of Bonn, Bonn, DE)

Funding: Collaborative Research Grants

Leadership: Eva Nöthen (Universität Bonn) & Nir Orion (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Collaborator: Tobit Nauheim, Julia Klumparendt & Ariel Meroz

Funding: BZL (Universität Bonn) & DIG Bonn

Stay abroad and research visits

  • ERASMUS-funded research stay at the ‘Gelderlandschool’ in The Hague (summer 2024) in order to identify the implicit characteristics, implementation possibilities, and success factors of ‘OGO’, that cannot be solely derived from a its theoretical examination.


  • „Machtkritischer Stadtspaziergang. Auf der Spur von Machtkonfigurationen im öffentlichen Raum Bonns"; Leitung: Julia Klumparendt & Tobit Nauheim, (Workshop & Führung im Rahmen des Vernetzungstreffens Feministische Geographien, Juni 2024, Bonn)
  • "Transformative geographische Bildung ohne Transformation der schulischen Bildung? Institutionelle Logiken des Systems Schule auf dem Prüfstand“ (https://kulturgeographie.org/programm/); Julia Klumparendt & Tobit Nauheim, (Vortrag auf der Tagung ‚Neue Kulturgeographie‘, Mai 2024, Münster)
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