Camyla Innocente dos Santos
PhD-Student in the project Hydro-Laws: Landscape Drivers of Water Sources and Flowpaths in Subtropical Catchment
Research Focus
- Isotopes as tracer of the movement of water throughout the terrestrial hydrological cycle
- Controls of baseflow generation in sub-tropical regions
- Precision and accuracy in discharge measurements
- Numerical modeling to simulates the hydrologic cycle in the critical zone
Camyla Innocente dos Santos
Meckenheimer Allee 172
53115 Bonn
- 2022: Argelander Scholarship
Scholarships for doctoral candidates from universities in Africa, Latin America, and Asia – University of Bonn
- 2021: 3rd Place in the Young Researcher Award
Doctoral category – Brazilian Association of Water Resources
- 2019: PhD scholarship
Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
- 2018: Honorable mention for one of the best works presented
I National Disaster Event
- 2017: Master scholarship
Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
- 2019-present: PhD student
Laboratory of Hydrology, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
- 2017-2019: Master student
Laboratory of Hydrology, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
- 2015-2017: Scientific Initiation
Laboratory of Hydrology, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
- 2014-present: Lecturer
QGIS and ArcGIS applied to water resources; and HEC-HMS applied to Environmental and Sanitary Engineering
2019-present : PhD candidate in Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Specialization: Hydrology and Applied Hydraulics
Dissertation title: “Investigation of the influence of the catchment structure on water budget in a sub-tropical region”.
- 2017-2019: Master in Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Specialization: Hydrology and Applied Hydraulics
Thesis title: “Landscape structure and baseflow patterns in a coastal catchment”.
- 2011-2016: Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Thesis title: “An approach of linear systems in the analysis of the rainfall-runoff process in a sub-basin of the Bugres river”.
A two-dimensional shallow water model accelerated by GPGPU
Carlotto, T., Chaffe, P.L.B., Innocente dos Santos, C., Lee, S. (2021)
Environmental Modelling & Software, 105205
Observing the critical zone on a critical budget: The Peri Lake experimental catchment
Chaffe, P.L.B., Innocente dos Santos, C., Perez, A.B.A., Sá, J.H.M., Carlotto, T., Hoinaski, L.(2021)
Hydrological Processes, 35(3), e14087
Effects of return periods on flood hazard mapping: an analysis of the UFSC Campus Basin, Florianópolis city, Brazil
Monteiro, L.R., Innocente dos Santos, C., Kobiyama, M., Corseuil, C.W., Chaffe, P.L.B (2021)
Brazilian Journal of Water Resources, 26, e9
Precision and accuracy of streamflow measurements in headwater streams during baseflow
Innocente dos Santos, C., Chaffe, P.L.B., Perez, A.B.A., Arienti, P.F., Sá, J.H.M. (2021)
Brazilian Journal of Water Resources, 26, e8, 2021.
Connectivity of ephemeral and intermittent streams in a subtropical Atlantic Forest Headwater Catchment
Perez, A.B.A., Innocente dos Santos, C., Sá, J.H.M., Arienti, P.F., Chaffe, P.L.B. (2020)
Water, 12(6), 1526, 2020.
Twenty-three Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH) - a community perspectiv
Blöschl, G., Marc B.F.P., Chambel, A., Curdennec, C., Destouni. G., Fiori, A., Kirchner, J.W., …, Innocente dos Santos, Camyla, et al.
Hydrological Sciences Journal, v.1, p.1-39, 2019