Ella Wood


Research Assisant in the Research Group “Geomorphology and Environmental Systems”

Research interests

  • Rock glacier dynamics, evolution, hydrological processes and climate response
  • Water storage within the mountain cryosphere and implications for water resources
  • Regional focus on Central Asia, High Mountain Asia and the ‘Third Pole’
  • Remote sensing methods for glacier monitoring with a focus on optical image derived velocities
  • Geophysical methods applied to rock glaciers


  • Tutor and Lab Demonstrator at University of St Andrews on GG1002 ‘A World in Crisis’ 2023 - 2024
  • Demonstrator at University of St Andrews on GG3210 ‘Introduction to Remote Sensing’ - 2023
Avatar Wood

Ella Wood

Monday-Wednesday 0.031 (156)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

Office hours: by arrangement

PhD project

Investigating the Hydrological Significance of Rock Glaciers in Central Asia 

This study investigates ice storage within rock glaciers in Central Asia, focusing on the relationships between surface kinematics, internal ice content, and structure. The research is centred on the semi-arid Northern Tien Shan region, located along the Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan border. The cryosphere here is critical for water resources, as glacier melt supplies water to the city of Almaty and maintains the water supply during months of low precipitation.

The study employs a combination of methods to enhance understanding of ice storage within rock glaciers and improve monitoring through remote sensing. Feature tracking of optical imagery is used to analyse spatial patterns of surface flow, using different sources of satellite data. Geophysical techniques, including ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography, are used to investigate the internal structure of key rock glaciers in the Ulken Almaty valley in Kazakhstan.

Insights from Feature Tracking of Optical Satellite Data for Studying Rock Glacier Kinematics in the Northern Tien Shan 

Wood et al. (2024)

(under review, Front. Earth Sci., Sec. Cryospheric Sciences)

Kinematic Insights from Optical Feature Tracking on Rock Glaciers in the Kazakh Tien Shan: Understanding Sub-Landform Scale Patterns of Rock Glacier Flow

Wood, E., Bolch, T., Streeter, R., Schrott, L. and R. Bates (2024) 

Conference Presentation at EGU General Assembly 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10577

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