The University of Bonn attends the second EUMA Specialised Workshop in Vienna The University of Bonn attends the second EUMA Specialised Workshop in Vienna
On July 3-4, the EUMA ("Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management") project leader, the University of Vienna, hosted the second Specialised Workshop on 'Natural Hazards and Risks within Disaster Risk Management'.
Representatives from EUMA partner institutions, along with DRM professionals and policy makers, joined both in-person and online. Dr. Rainer Bell and Everjoy Chiimba represented the University of Bonn. By discussing relevant topics of the EUMA Master’s programme and considering past, present and future trends in natural disaster management, the workshop will contribute to the development of the EUMA curriculum.

Participants of the second EUMA workshop in Vienna
© Everjoy Grace Chiimba
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Read more about the EUMA project here!