Aktuelle Forschung:
- Co-HYDIM-SA - Co-Design of a hydrometeorological information system for sustainable water resources management in southern Africa, BMBF (2024-2027)
- MisKaRe - Miscanthus in der Kaskadennutzung: Retentionspotential von Dauerkulturflächen auf Abflussbildungsprozesse zur Reduktion von Hochwasserrisiko und Nutzung der Biomasse in regionalen Wertschöpfungsketten, EFRE (2024-2027)
- Ökosystemleistungen der neuen Emscherauen (2023-2025)
- HyCo-Geo - Hydro Competence Center Geo, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser im Geoverbund ABC/J (2021-2024).
- Immissionsorientierte Feinsedimentuntersuchung in den Lachsgewässern von NRW, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (2022-2024).
Abgeschlossene Projekte:
- SEWAMM - Sustainable ecohydrological water management under global change in Myanmar. DAAD (2020-2023).
- PARADeS- Participatory assessment of flood related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana (R&D-Project) BMBF (2020-2023).
- HydroOER - Konzeption und Erstellung von digitalen Lehrmaterialien i.R. der Digitalisierungsoffensive des Landes, NRW Ministerium für Wissenschaft, DH-NRW (2020-2022).
- CLIMAFRI - Implementing Climate-sensitive Adaptation strategies to reduce Flood Risk in the transboundary Lower Mono River catchment in Togo and Benin, BMBF (2019-2022).
- Future Rural Africa - Future-making and social-ecological transformation – Subproject Agro-Futures (A03): Scales of variability, human-environment interactions and patterns in agro-landscapes; Collaborative Research Center 228 [SFB TRR 228] (2018-2022) DFG.
- Kolmation und ihre Wirkung auf rheophile Fischlebensgemeinschaften. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (2019 - 2021)
- Shells of aquatic freshwater gastropods as archives for heavy metal contamination history of a river-coast transition zone – Proof-of-concept study in South India" DFG (2020 - 2021)
- One Health and Urban Transformation – recognizing risks, developing sustainable solutions. The regional focus is on the Ruhr Valley, São Paulo (Brazil), Accra (Ghana) and Ahmedabad (India).Research School (Fortschrittskolleg NRW) Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State government of North Rhine-Westphalia (2016-2020)
- MyNex - Establishing an international science network on the Nexus Climate-Water-Food in Myanmar, BMBF (2017-2019)
- PARADeS - Participatory assessment of flood related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana, (Definitionsprojekt Juni - November 2018), BMBF 2018.
- Resilient planning for Intermittent Events in Urban Areas, DAAD (2015-2017)
- A partizipative multi-criteria approach for flood vulnerability and risk assessment under uncertainty: a case study in a Brazilian watershed, CAPES grant 13669-13-3/ DAAD, (2014-2017)
- SoHy Myanmar - Current and future socio-hydrlogical responses on climate variability and climate change in the Ayeyarwady River Basin, Myanmar, DFG, (2015-2016)
- Graduate school Centre for Natural-Disaster Science mit Research School (CNDS) University of Uppsala/Sweden, Swedish Ministry for Science and Swedish Contingiencies Agency (MSB) (2011-2016)
- The virtual flood walk – Applying the knowledge of risk for life-relevant problem-solving through a virtual environment. Universität Karlstad/Schweden (2011-2012)
- DIANE-CM: Decentralised Integrated ANalysis and Enhancement of Awareness through Collaborative Modelling and Management of Flood Risk [DIANE-CM]; 6. Forschungsrahmenprogramm/ERANET-CRUE; Koordination internationales Konsortium und Workpackage Leitungen (08/2009 - 09/2011)
- Strategic Alliance and Water Actions (SAWA). Workpackage leader: Edu and Capacity building; Sub-project leader: Integrated water recourses management for the catchment of river Ilmenau. EU-Interreg IVB (09/2008 - 12/2011)
- INDIWA: Analyse von Indikatoren für erfolgreiches Wasserressourcenmanagement (IWRM) (04/2008 – 03/2010)
- Integrated Decision Support systems for Risk Assessment and management (RAMWASS); EU-FP6; (2006 - 2007)
- Enhancing the Use of Science in International Water projects to improve project results. Förderung durch UNEP-UNU; Member of the River Basin group; (01/2010 - 12/2010)
- Project Flood Plain Land Use Optimising Workable Sustainability (FLOWS); EU-Interreg (01/2004 - 06/2006)
- Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Spatial Planning. Member of the International Steering Group and Workpackage Lead for the EU-Interreg Project Flood Plain Land Use Optimising Workable Sustainability (FLOWS); Leader of the sub-project “Integration of Flood related Information in Spatial Planning”. Volume: (01/2004 - 06/2006)
- Leitbilder des Naturschutzes und ihre Umsetzung mit der Landwirtschaft - Ziele, Instrumente und Kosten einer umweltschonenden und nachhaltigen Landnutzung im niedersächsischen Elbetal“ (Projektkoordination BMBF) (10/1997 - 06/2001)
- Naturgefahren und Risiken
Forschungs Regionen
- Afrika (Benin, Ghana, Togo)
- Brasilien
- Deutschland (Eifel, NRW)
- Indien
- Myanmar
- Schweden
- Modellierungen
- Partizipative Methoden
Laufende Dissertationen
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Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
HOUNGUE, Rholan: Climate and land use change impacts on Mono River floods
NTAJAL, Joshua: Linking land use dynamics, surface water systems, and human health risks in Ghana.
HÖLLERMANN, Britta: Integration of uncertainties at the science/practise and knowledge/decision interface in water resources management
BRITO, Mariana Madruga de: A participative multi-criteria approach for flood vulnerability and risk assessment under uncertainty: a case study in a Brazilian watershed.
ESHTAWI, Tamer: The Integrated Modeling as a key for Sustainable Development planning of Water Resources in the semi-arid watershed of the Gaza Strip
LANGE, Leonie: Participation in Water Management Practice - Lessons Learnt and Challenges for European Countries at Flood Risk
GALLER, Carolin: Multifunktionalität im administrativen Handeln- Optimierung multifunktionaler Umweltwirkungen in Maßnahmenkonzepten der vorsorgenden Umweltplanung und ihre institutionellen Voraussetzungen
THIELE-EICH, Insa: Flooding in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the challenge of climate change
SCHÄFFER, Ina: Grüne Infrastruktur als Standortfaktor und als Potenzial für das Standortmarketing- Städte in Nordrhein-Westfalen im Vergleich
PARDOE, Joanna: Multiple and more frequent natural hazards: The vulnerability implications for rural West African communities (United Nations University)
SCHULTZ, Alexandra: Die Fachzeitschrift Natur und Landschaft in den Jahren 1920 bis 2010 – eine Inhaltsanalyse zur Ableitung von Naturschutztrends in Deutschland
TAN, Siwei: Wastewater Management in Industrial Zones of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. A socio-spatial Analysis of Environmental Management in a Transition Economy
ALMORADIE, Adrian Delos Santos: Networked Environments for Stakeholder Participation in Water Resources and Flood Management
Jüngste Publikationen
Evers, M., K. K. Kyu, H. Htike, A. Almoradie , M. Zülich (2024) How Spatiotemporal Dynamics Impact Alluvial Farming and Food Security. In: Tian, F., J. Wie, M. Haeffner, H. Kreibich (Eds.) Coevulution and prediction of coupled Human-Water-systems. A Socio-Hydrology Synthesis in hydrology and Society. IAHS. Cambridge University Press
Evers, M., Almoradie, A., Ntajal, J., Höllermann, B., Johann, G., Meyer, H., Kruse, S., Ziga-Abortta, F., Bachmann, D., Schotten, R., Lumor, M., Norman, C. & Adjei, K. (2024). Lessons Learned from PARADeS Project for Flood Disaster Risk Planning and Management in Ghana.
Evers, M., Kruse, S., Almoradie, A. & Tuschen, M. (Eds.) (2023). Managing Flood Disaster Risk in Ghana. Findings, Products and Recommendations.