Emmanuel Nkundimana
PhD Student
(Page only in English)
Research project in the Hydrology Research Group
Modeling large-scale water, sediment and nutrient fluxes in the Nyabarongo River Catchment, Rwanda
Water is one of the most widely distributed substances, equally fundamental for humans and ecosystems. It is essential in sustaining all forms of life, food production, promoting economic development, and general wellbeing. However, it is becoming scarce and has particularly gained increasing attention in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Therefore, water availability, quality, and sediment delivery have become challenging issues threatening food supply, security, human health, and natural ecosystems. Therefore, water quality monitoring is essential and depends on different natural variability including spatial and temporal weather, hydrological conditions, land use, and management practices.
Nyabarongo wetland contributes to Rwanda's food security. Like other East African wetlands, it has different environmental problems due to the excess sediment and nutrient loads. Thus, this PhD research will model the large-scale water, sediment, and nutrient fluxes in the Nyabarongo River Catchment (NRC). Especially, it will determine water availability, assess nutrient and sediment loads, and analyze the impact of land use/cover and climate changes on water, sediment, and nutrient loads in the catchment in different scenarios.
It is part of the GlobE wetland project-reconciling future food production with environmental protection; however, it is jointly funded by DAAD and the Government of Rwanda. Indeed, the SWAT model was applied to achieve the objectives of this research. With the model, we will be able to understand the hydrological processes, analyze nutrient and sediment loads, and run land use /cover and climate scenarios for the sustainable management of water and land resources in Rwanda.
Emmanuel Nkundimana
Meckenheimer Allee 172
53115 Bonn
Work Package: WP A5 Mater fluxes / D4 Sustainable wetland uses
Countries of work: Rwanda
1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Diekkrüger
2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Francois Xavier Naramabuye
Working period: 10/2017-12/2022
10/17 - 2022: PhD Researcher at the University of Bonn:
"Modeling Large-Scale Water, Sediment and Nutrient Fluxes in the Nyabarongo Catchment, Rwanda"
05/15 - 09/17: Head of soil and plant laboratory at the University of Rwanda in the department of soil sciences
02/10 - 04/15: Head of water research laboratory at the University of Rwanda in the department of chemistry. Responsibilities
01/07 - 12/09: Teacher of chemistry courses at a
secondary school called "Ecole des Sciences Louis de Montfort Nyanza"
2017-2022: Phd Student at University of Bonn
2013-2014: 2014: MSc in Water Resource and Environmental Management/
University of Rwanda. Fun ded by German Ac ademic Exchange Service
2005 -2007: BSc in Environmental Chemistry/ National University of Rwanda . Sponsored by Students Financing Agency of Rwanda (SFAR).
2003- 2004: BACC I in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology National University of Rwanda. Sponsored by Students Financing Agency of Rwanda (SFAR).
Evaluation of nutrients and heavy metals fixation by wetlands plants organs, in Ndobogo wetland, Southern Rwanda.
Prof. Elias Bizuru, Germaine Hirwa, Emmanuel Nkundimana, Theoneste Muhizi, Erasme Uyizeye, Aliane Umurerwa, Laure B. Kananura (2016)
Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences
Metallic iron for water treatment and environmental remediation: A handout to young researchers.
Nkundimana E., Noubactep C., Uwamariya V. (2015)
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24 (11)