
Based on the research conducted by the research group, teaching activities include theoretical and applied approaches in ecohydrology, water resources management, water in global change, and natural hazards and risks. Ongoing and completed courses, as well as thematic impressions for Master's and Bachelor's theses that can be conducted in the research group, are listed below.

Teaching focus:

  • Ecohydrology
  • Human-Water Sytems
  • Water resources management
  • Natural hazards and risks
  • Global Change
  • Inter- und transdisziplinäry methods
  • Szenario- & system analyses
  • Project planning skills
  • Application of Geographical Information Systems


In teaching, the RG is actively represented in all courses offered at the GIUB. The courses include topics such as sustainable water management or flood risk management, inter- and transdiciplinary methods, modeling in water management, field internships and excursions, and more.

Excursion at the Glorer Hütte, Austria
© Pamukçu Albers

Current and previous courses

Topics for Bachelor and Master theses

Current courses

Summer 2024

Bachelor Geography:

  • B2: Geländepraktikum im Katzbachtal (Field trip) (Katja Höreth, Mark Tuschen)
  • B2: Advanced Physical Geography (Seminar) (Katja Höreth, Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

Master Geography:

  • M2: Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers, Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)
© Pamukçu Albers

Previous courses

Bachelor Geography:

B0: 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie (Field trip) (Katja Höreth)

B2: Aufbauseminar Physische Geographie (Seminar) (Mark Tuschen)

B8a: Introduction of GIS in Hydrology (Seminar) (Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

B15: Introduction of Conservation and Management of Water Resources (Seminar) (Katja Höreth, Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

Wahlpflicht Geographie: Regional Geography of Ghana – the physical characteristics, socio-economic, governance, and cultural scape of Ghana (Seminar) (Dr. Joshua Ntajal)

Master Geography:

M9: Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit (Colloquium) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B2: Geländepraktikum im Katzbachtal (Field trip) (Katja Höreth & Mark Tuschen)

B2: Advanced Physical Geography (Seminar) (Katja Höreth, Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

B8: Introduction to Hydrological Modeling (Seminar) (Dr. Rholan Houngue)

B11: Landschaftsbewertung und -analyse (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers & Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

Master Geography:

M9: Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit (Colloquium) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B0: Physische Geographie des Bonner Raums (Field trip) (Katja Höreth)

B2: Advanced Physical Geography (Seminar) (Katja Höreth, Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

B8a: Introduction of GIS in Hydrology (Seminar) (Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

B13: Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Master Geography und UNU-Master "Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security":

M2/JM3: Scenario Analysis (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M3/6: Wasser im Anthropozän (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B2: Advanced Physical Geography (Seminar) (Katja Höreth, Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

B10: 7-Tagesexkursion "Havel, Elbe, Hamburg - Wasser verbindet" (Field trip) (Katja Höreth)

Master Geography:

M4: Resiliente Wassersysteme im Klimawandel – das Beispiel Bonn (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers & Dr. Pinar Pamukçu-Albers)

M9: Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit (Colloquium) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B0: 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie (Field trip) (Dr. Linda Taft)

B0: 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie (Field trip) (Dr. Kristian Näschen)

B2: Aufbauseminar Physische Geographie (Seminar) (Dr. Linda Taft)

Master Geograpy:

M2: Methods for transdiciplinary research (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M3: Wassersysteme im (Klima-)Wandel (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M9: Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit (Colloquium) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B2: Aufbauseminar Physische Geographie (Seminar) (Dr. Britta Höllermann)

B2: Aufbauseminar Physische Geographie (Seminar) (Dr. Linda Taft)

B2: Geländepraktikum (Field trip) (Claudia Schepp)

B8a: Einführung in die Methoden der Gewässerbewertung (Seminar) (Dr. Linda Taft)

B13: Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit (Seminar) (Dr. Britta Höllermann)

Master Geography:

M2: Landschaftsanalyse und -bewertung (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M6: Globale Wasserrisiken (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B0: 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie (Field trip) (Katja Höreth)

B0: 1-Tagesexkursion Physische Geographie (Field trip) (Dr. Linda Taft)

B2: Aufbauseminar Physische Geographie (Seminar) (Katja Höreth)

Master Geography:

M1: Wasserforschung (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M3: Hydrologie und Wassermanagement (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M9: Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit (Colloquium) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Bachelor Geography:

B2: Aufbauseminar Physische Geographie (Seminar) (Katja Höreth, Kristian Näschen)

B8a: Einführung in die Methoden der Gewässerbewertung (Seminar) (Dr. Linda Taft)

B11: Anthropogene Belastung von regionalen Gewässern (Seminar) (Dr. Linda Taft)

Master Geography:

M2b: Landschaftsanalyse und -bewertung (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M2b: Umwelt, Klima und Mensch im Quartär (Seminar) (Dr. Linda Taft)

M4 / JM6/JM: Future Human-Water-Systems (Seminar) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M5: La Gomera (Field trip) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

M9: Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit (Colloquium) (Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers)

Photos from the excursion 'Havel, Elbe, Hamburg - Water connects' 2022 for the Bachelor of Geography

© Höreth
© Höreth
© Höreth

Topics for Bachelor and Master theses

Are you interested in writing your bachelor or master thesis in our group? Then you are invited to contact Prof. Dr. Evers.

In the following, both general topics and specific topics are listed for empirical (field work or GIS based) and theoretical (literature based) BSc and MSc theses in our group. Please note that the topics are given in English here, but thesis can be written in English or German.

General topics

  • Eco-hydrology (Evers)

  • River basin and water resources management (Evers)

  • Hydrological natural hazards and risk management (Evers)

  • Sustainable water management in the context of human-environment relations (Evers)

  • Scenario & system analyses (Evers)

  • Integrative and transdisciplinary collaboration in hydrological contexts (Evers)

  • Hydrological modeling and GIS in hydrological analysis (Evers)

  • Forest hydrology (modelling and management) (Pamukcu Albers)

  • Ecological restoration and nature based solutions (Pamukcu Albers)

  • Carbon sequestration and emissions (Pamukcu Albers)

  • Ecosystem services (Pamukcu Albers)

  • Urban resilience through green-blue infrastructure (Pamukcu Albers)

Specific topics

    Bachelor theses

    • Potentials of Natural Climate Protection (Literature Analysis) (Evers)
    • Effects of rice cultivation on water quality and quantity (Evers)
    • Development of drought events in Germany (Evers)
    • Potential for the production of hydrogen (also suitable as MA) (Evers)
    • Vulnerability due to drought - which factors are particularly relevant? (Evers)
    • Hydrological and ecological system (incl. spatio-temporal networks) in wetlands

    • Positive and negative ecological aspects of landscape change of floodplains

    • Flood-related challenges at different watershed scales in Germany (literature review and questionnaire)

    • Transboundary flood resilience (Pamukcu Albers)

    • Flood/drought modelling in data scarce watersheds at different scales (Pamukcu Albers)

    • Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies regarding water (Pamukcu Albers)


    Master theses

    • The implementation of the sponge city principle using the example of Bonn (or other cities) (Evers)
    • Ecosystem services of the Siegaue (or other floodplains in Germany/Europe) (Evers)
    • Effects of the sponge city principle on ecosystem services (Evers)
    • Natural climate protection - potentials of renaturation measures. (Evers)
    • Interactions Natural climate protection in changing ecosystems. (Evers)
    • Natural climate protection - potential for minimizing drought and floods (example: a river basin) (Evers)
    • Potential for production of hydrogen (regional/global) (Evers)
    • Holistic vulnerability analysis using the example of the Ahr valley (o.a. other river basins) (Evers)
    • When is a flood a flood? When is a drought a drought? Definition of hydro-meteorological extremes from an affected person's point of view / risk approach (Evers)
    • Factors influencing the resilience of toxic floods (Evers)
    • Vulnerability to drought - which factors are particularly relevant? (Evers)
    • Forest hydrology (hydrological functions of forests and interactions with geography) (Pamukcu Albers)

    • Impacts of landscape fragmentation and connectivity on hydrological system (Pamukcu Albers)

    • Ecological restoration and nature based solutions (renaturation of floodplains) (Pamukcu Albers)

    • Soil and biomass carbon stock accounting and mapping in different ecosystems (Pamukcu Albers)

    • SWAT hydrological modelling (Pamukcu Albers)

    • Enhancing urban resilience to hydro-meteorological risk through green-blue infrastructure (Pamukcu Albers)

     Status January 2023

    Topics include:


    © Pamukçu Albers

    Water resources management

    © Ntajal

    Human-water relations

    © Höreth

    Natural hazards and risks

    © Ntajal
    Wird geladen