From April 22-27, Dr. Offoro Kimambo visited our department within the framework of the ERASMUS worldwide project. Dr. Kimambo is a researcher at the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Sokoine University in Morogoro. His main research interests are climatology and hydrology.
Students and members of the research group "Geomorphology and Environmental Systems" of Prof. Lothar Schrott continue the permafrost monitoring at the Glatzbach catchment, Austria.
An advanced PhD student and beneficiary of the Uni Bonn Santander International Exchange Grant for 2023, Christian Kwesi Owusu from Ghana, is in Bonn for a three-month research stay at the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn.
A consortium of seven European universities and higher education institutes received funding to promote a European network of postgraduate programs in the field of disaster prevention and management. The postgraduate program "Master of Disaster Management and Risk Governance" at the University of Bonn is part of this new network, the EUMA-Project.
The ERASMUS cooperation with two universities in Tanzania was intensified as Dr. Simone Giertz, international coordinator at the Depratment of Geography, University of Bonn, visited both universities in May. In June, Prof. Felister Mombo from Sokoine University (SUA) and Dr. Lucy Massoi from Mzumbe University visited Bonn.
The recently concluded Erasmus+ staff mobility between University of Bonn and Mzumbe University was a unique one. The two universities commemorate a decade of cooperation through joint research and capacity building. Two ongoing areas of academic cooperation between the two universities are worth mentioning: the Erasmus+ student exchange programme and the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre ‘Future Rural Africa’.
Prof. Kleine, University of Sheffield, is a guest at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn, from June 6 to July 5, 2023. She is an outstanding scientist in the area of global sustainable development and was invited as an International Fellow to be closely involved in the department and to foster future cooperations and joint projects.
On July 12, the annual summer party with the farewell of graduates will be held. Registration for the farewell is possible until 01 July.