It was heartwarming to receive the newly appointed Ambassador of the University of Bonn from Ghana, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kofi Nyarko at the Institute of Geography, University of Bonn on 17.10.2022. Prof. Nyarko came on an official visit to Bonn for the opening of the new academic year at the University of Bonn. Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers, in her capacity as the Director of the Institute of Geography and UNESCO Chair for Human-Water Systems, received Prof. Nyarko who is also an alumnus of the Institute. It was an important moment to reflect on the existing collaborations and networks between the University of Bonn and the Ghanaian Universities. Prof. Evers took the opportunity as the director to introduce various research activities and study programs at GIUB. She also introduced to the PARADeS research project on participatory flood management in Ghana and the role of University of Bonn as the lead partner. Prof. Nyarko expressed his appreciation for the honor given him as an alumnus and Ambassador of the University of Bonn and highlighted his mandate to coordinate and facilitate activities of the University at the international level. It was acknowledged that the existing Memorandum of Understanding (established in 2019) between the University of Bonn and the University of Ghana is already a huge step to facilitate collaborations with other Universities and Institutions in Ghana. The discussion and information exchange highlighted key topical issues such as strengthening collaborations between the University of Bonn and Ghanaian Universities, particularly the University of Cape Coast. Academic exchange programs and research projects are potential areas of collaboration between the Institute of Geography and Ghanaian universities. The two Heads of Departments of Geography discussed the possibilities of using the existing networks and giving guest lectures in both Ghana and Germany. Additional interesting issues discussed included identifying synergies and possibilities to benefit from the existing but less utilized twin-city relationship between the City of Bonn and Cape Coast City in Ghana. Future plans for developing joint research project proposals, sharing experiences and expertise in water resource management and nature-based solutions for flood disaster risk reduction in Bonn and Cape Coast city were also discussed. Prof. Nyarko maintained that his role as an Ambassador of the University of Bonn will facilitate and increase the enrollment of international students into University of Bonn and increase the visibility of the University in Ghana and West Africa. It was a fruitful discussion, which was concluded on the fact that maintaining a continuous dialogue and active communication between the Institute of Geography and the Ghanaian Universities is key to strengthening collaborations and building institutional capacity. Part of the meeting was also Dr. Joshua Ntajal, Post Doc at the working group of Prof. Evers, who has worked in fomer times for Prof. Kofi Nyarko at Cape Coast University as assistant.
Ambassador of the University of Bonn Prof. Kofi Nyarko from Ghana welcomed at GIUB Ambassador of the University of Bonn Prof. Kofi Nyarko from Ghana welcomed at GIUB
It was heartwarming to receive the newly appointed Ambassador of the University of Bonn from Ghana, Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kofi Nyarko at the Institute of Geography, University of Bonn on 17.10.2022.

Ambassador of the University of Bonn Prof. Kofi Nyarko from Ghana welcomed at GIUB
© Joshua Ntajal
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Prof. Dr. Kofi Nyarko and Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers
© Joshua Ntajal