Working Group Development Geography - René Vesper

Working Group Development Geography - René Vesper



René Vesper, part of the Development Geography working group, presents his PhD project on green futures in Tanzania. His research focuses on different interests in the agrarian future of the country, which can be divided into several discourses: the global discourse on agrarian transformation, and the Tanzanian hegemonic, counter-hegemonic and undecided discourse. A central point is that most actors are trying to influence the Tanzanian state as it holds a powerful position. Vesper also presents open debates about the role of the state, global capitalism and land ownership, and shares anecdotes from his research practice.


Development Geography, René Vesper, politics, Tanzania, future rural Africa, green futures, political ecology, power relations, discourse


14 Min



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Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn


Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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