The Great Green Wall: Pan-African imaginaries to fight against desertification?

The Great Green Wall: Pan-African imaginaries to fight against desertification? - Prof. Jeremy Allouche, Prof. Detlef Müller-Mahn, Elie Pédarros and Matiwos Bekele Oma



Prof. Jeremy Allouche, Prof. Müller-Mahn, Elie Pédarros and Matiwos Bekele Oma talk about the launch of the new project "The Great Green Wall: Pan-African Imaginaries to Fight Against Desertification?". The lecture deals with the background of the Great Green Wall project, the research and the concept of the project, the situation in Senegal and Ethiopia and answers open questions. The research project conceptualizes the idea of the Great Green Wall as a socio-technical imaginary that takes into account country-specific knowledge, local practices and different temporalities and examines the extent to which these imaginaries enable the formulation of alternative governance strategies. This approach makes it possible to view the Great Green Wall initiative through a new reading prism that places the local population, presented as actors and beneficiaries, at the center of the project.

The Great Green Wall: Pan-African Imaginaries to Fight Against Desertification?


Africa, GGW, Great Green Wall, research project, sociotechnical imaginary, temporalities, development, desertification, governance, governance strategies, policies, colonialism, reforestation, reimagineries


30 Min



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Patrick Augenstein, Detlef Müller-Mahn


Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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