Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt - An Interview with Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish

Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt - An Interview with Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish



In this interview from 2015, Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish discusses his motivation for establishing sustainable agriculture in the dry landscape of Egypt. Abouleish shares his vision for sustainability in the agricultural system and the benefits that this approach can bring to both society and the environment. With decades of experience in the field, Abouleish offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of sustainable agriculture in Egypt and the role of individuals and communities in the creation of a more sustainable future. As the founder of SEKEM, which seeks to achieve “sustainable development towards a future where every human being can unfold his or her individual potential", his legacy lives on posthumously through the initiative. In loving memory of Ibrahim Abouleish (1937-2017).

Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt - An Interview with Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish


sustainable agriculture, sustainabilty, Egypt, Cairo, Ibrahim Abouleish, SEKEM, drylands, soil, farming, landscape, environment, future


24 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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