Nigeria - In Search for Sustainability

Nigeria - In Search for Sustainability



Nigeria lost 60 million hectares of primary tropical forest during the 20th century. Today, 5% of the country's forest area continues to be deforested each year. In this context of severe forest loss active reforestation is of crucial importance to restore ecological function and livelihoods. This film follows a young Nigerian ecologist, Butbyien, on her quest to understand the mechanisms that lead to environmental degradation and recovery. She meets farmers, pastoralists, a group of innovative entrepreneurs, a minister, an environmental activists and many more.

This film is a co-production between the European Forestry Institut, Reforest Action, Green Sahara Farms, SEE-International, the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance and Geo-Medial, meant for educational purposes only.

Nigeria - In Search for Sustainability


forest loss, Nigeria, deforestation, reforestation, ecosystem restoration, livelihood, ecology, environmental degradation, farmers, pastoralists, environment, activists


18 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB), European Forestry Institut, Reforest Action, Green Sahara Farms, SEE-International, the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance, Geo-Medial

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