Half Way Done? The Sustainable Development Goals in Science and Practice

Half Way Done? The Sustainable Development Goals in Science and Practice



In this lunch lecture Dr. Vivi Niemenmaa from the University of Helsinki, Finland, and Dr. André Müller from the German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning discuss how Finland is dealing with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the first part, the policy coherence of the SDGs is presented. Secondly, the long term perspective and current standpoint in the process are discussed. Lastly, Dr. Niemenmaa talks about spill over(s) to other areas.

Half Way Done? The Sustainable Development Goals in Science and Practice


SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, sustainability, Finland, policy, international politics


1 h 18 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut de Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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