From Zoom to Safari - Translocal Learning in Kenya and Germany (short version)

From Zoom to Safari - Translocal Learning in Kenya and Germany (short version)



In September 2022, 20 students from the University of Bonn departed to Kenya in the context of the research seminar on "Political Ecology and Rural Development in East Africa“. The seminar, which combined three course elements, (1) a preparatory seminar on political ecology, (2) an overview excursion and (3) a research "field school“, was conducted and guided by Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn from the University of Bonn, Germany, and Dr. Eric Kioko from Kenyatta University, Kenya. The course was organised in co-teaching with Kenyan students in a „virtual classcroom” and followed the teaching model of „translocal learning“. This short film shows insights from the field trip and introduces the translocal learning concept.

From Zoom to Safari - Translocal Learning in Kenya and Germany (short version)


Müller-Mahn, Kenya, Germany, field school, field trip, translocal learning


4 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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