Drought resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa - Prof. Robert McLeman

Drought resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa - Prof. Robert McLeman



In this video, Robert McLeman, Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Canada, talks about the relationship between forced migration, governance and drought. The video has two parts. In the first part Prof. Robert McLeman gives an introduction in his studies in the style of a lecture. He works on the topic of "Drought resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Water & food security, livelihoods, migration and conflict". McLeman shows the difference between drought and dryness and how this affects the water security and the seasonal livelihoods. Drought migration and climate change lead to a challenging future in the conflict between drought and the resulting political situation. The second part is an interview with Prof. McLeman, where he gives a more detailed projection about the Sahelian region and how drought suppresses migration and so-called climate refugees.

Drought resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa - Prof. Robert McLeman


drought, resilience, Sub-Sahara Africa, water, watersecurity, drought migration, migration, climate change, sahel region, climate refugees, politics


24 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut de Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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