Acting on drought - An interview with Mathias Mogge

Acting on drought - An interview with Mathias Mogge



Mathias Mogge, general secretary and chairman of Welthungerhilfe, talks about droughts in East Africa and the projects of his organisation in this region. A lack of rain for two to three years has made the situation worse since 2017, but fundings and support of the international community, like the UN, are missing or insufficient. According to Mogge, national governments are responsible to react. He talks about how development aid and emergency relief could merge more efficiently and the role of restoration of the ecological system.

Acting on drought - An interview with Mathias Mogge


Welthungerhilfe, drought, droughts, development cooperation, development aid, emergency relief, restoration, ecology


18 Min



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Patrick Augenstein


Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)

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