20. März 2023

World WaterDay 2023: BonnWaterNetwork participates in the Symposium 2023 for the Eurodelta region World WaterDay 2023: BonnWaterNetwork participates in the Symposium 2023 for the Eurodelta region

The BonnWaterNetwork and the Asia-based Living Deltas Hub present their contribution to sustainable water solutions.

Shrimp ponds
Shrimp ponds © Niki Black, LivingDeltasHub
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The Strategic Urban Region Eurodelta (SURE) Network focuses on the river delta from the Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse. BonnWaterNetwork contributes to the SURE network’s 2023 symposium to bring in its experience as a network of researchers and practitioners working on water worldwide, and illustrates its concrete work on river deltas with a presentation on the Asia-based Living Deltas Hub.

Annabelle Houdret explains how the BonnWaterNetwork contributes to strengthen the expertise needed for sustainable water management and governance.

Jack O’Connor from The Living Deltas Hub explains how to achieve this in three major river deltas in Asia: the Red River and Mekong deltas (Vietnam) and the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta (GBM: Bangladesh, India).

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