The HKC (Flood Competence Center) contributed to the technical article (April Issue) of the "WASSER UND ABFALL (Water and Waste)" Journal. The contribution of HKC highlighted its current activities in Ghana towards the development of a tool (FloodlabelGHANA), which aimed at strengthening the prevention and coping strategies to increase resilience to flooding risk in Ghana. Also, HKC highlighted its Floodlabel contribution to flood management in Iran. The article published by the BWK (Association of Engineers for Water and Waste Management, and Land Improvement), is dedicated to addressing key areas related to waste management, soil protection/legacy sites, wastewater and water pollution control, drinking water and groundwater protection, water management, hydraulic engineering, and other special topics. You can download the complete article (in German) free of charge here: (3.95 MB, WASSER UND ABFALL April 2021, BWK & SPRINGER NATURE)
11. August 2022
FLOODLABEL technical article in the "WASSER und ABFALL (Water and Waste)" Journal FLOODLABEL technical article in the "WASSER und ABFALL (Water and Waste)" Journal
The HKC (Flood Competence Center) contributed to the technical article (April Issue) of the "WASSER UND ABFALL (Water and Waste)" Journal. The contribution of HKC highlighted its current activities in Ghana towards the development of a tool (FloodlabelGHANA), which aimed at strengthening the prevention and coping strategies to increase resilience to flooding risk in Ghana.
Wasser und Abfall
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