The annual German consortium meeting for the fourth quarter of 2022 took place at the University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg, from 4th to 5th October. It was a face-to-face meeting, where all the German partners, including the University of Bonn, the University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg (the host), the University of Freiburg, the Flood Competence Center (HochwasserKompetenzCentrum), and Mr. Brand from the Project organization VDI met to discuss issues concerning the ongoing PARADeS project in Ghana. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss the current status, progress made, and future project activities until June 2023. The meeting served as the opportunity to discuss and plan for the next field visits to Ghana in first the quarter of 2023 to present the project’s results, while preparing towards the end of the project. Some of the key points discussed included the hydrologic and hydrodynamic models (for Accra, Kumasi, and the White Volta catchment), Critical Infrastructure model, and piloting the Floodlabel concept developed for Ghana. Also, key issues concerning the project and key updates on project conditions were received from Mr. Brand. Additionally, the meeting was used to plan for the next German partner's meeting in Freiburg in the first quarter of 2023. Being the second face-to-face meeting in 2022, besides the stakeholder workshop in Ghana in May 2022, it served as a platform for both group and bilateral discussions on data sharing and seeking support from each other, towards achieving the remaining project milestone. In sum, the project partners were satisfied with the progress of activities and remained optimistic that the project’s objective would be achieved.
12. Oktober 2022
Consortium Meeting in Magedburg 04. - 05.10.2022 Consortium Meeting in Magedburg 04. - 05.10.2022
The annual German consortium meeting for the fourth quarter of 2022 took place at the University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg, from 4th to 5th October.
Consortium Meeting Magdeburg Group Picture
© J. Ntajal
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