Supervising and Teaching
Within the research group, Professor Schipper, Dr Johannes Dittmann and Dr Zainab Khalid are available to supervise Bachelor and Master's theses. Professor Schipper is currently not taking any new Doctoral students until 2025. Below you can find a sample of the theses supervised by the team. If you are interested in discussing supervision, please send an email with your Exposé or other summary of your research ideas. We are happy to meet with you to discuss it further.
Bachelor Theses
Integration und kulturelle Identität. Ansiedlung der Bessaraber in Deutschland – Annika Lehnert
Umsetzung und Konfliktfelder von Naturschutz im Landkreis Schaumburg – Saskia Melchiors
Sari-Sari stores beyond Sachets. How initiatives like “Kuha sa Tingi” reconnect Filipinos with their Tingi roots – Tiffany Joy Schlaug
Postkoloniale Analyse der Süd-Nord-Komponente des entwicklungspolitischen Freiwilligendienst „weltwärts“. Ein Einblick in die Umsetzung des Programms – Hannah Noske
Außenpolitik und Entwicklung. Einfluss außenpolitischer Trends auf die Schwerpunkte der staatlichen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Deutschland – Moritz Flohrer
From narrative to reality: Indigenous tourism in Aotearoa New Zealand and its impact on Maori culture preservation and environmental conservation –Sandra Wentorp
Theoretische Perspektiven auf das Europäische Grenzregime in Libyen – Moritz Lahusen
Reproduktion der Kolonialzeit im öffentlichen Raum. Postkoloniale Analyse am Beispiel der Kölner Erinnerungsorte Hermann von Wissmanns – Annika Nitsche
‘Capacity Building: Effectiveness and Sustainability of short-term Projects in International Cooperation’ – K. Hild
‘Climate adaptation finance: A mixed methods approach analysing distribution and future potential of climate adaptation finance’ – A. Kania
‘The dynamics of cocoa in Ghana: Value chain restructuring, Fairtrade and the rise of organic farming’ – M. Behling
Development Aid as an Instrument of Domination or Effective Means of Support to Attain or Achieve Development? – A.I.M. Kamden
‘The relationship between gender and mobility on daily movement patterns in urban settings’ – L. Tiedemann
‘Invisible Forces: Exploring Women’s Agency in Post-Disaster Societies’ – L. Höwelhans
‘Status Quo or Transformative Change? An Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming Efforts in Disaster Risk Reduction’ – R. Lennartz
‘Mediating a Global Urban Transformation: Transnational City Networks as Knowledge-Policy Interface’ – E.S. Kalversberg
‘Auswirkungen der EU-Taxonomie auf den ESG-Ratingmarkt’ – T. Schneimann
‘Learning from the Global South: What can Germany learn from Bangladesh’s Flood Early Warning System for saving lives?’ – F. Kiefer
‘Stadtentwicklung in Deutschland: Zur Rolle der grünen Infrastruktur in der Stadt von morgen’ – Z. Hofmann
‘Tides of Change: How Climate Change Threatens Cultural Identity’ – L. Knaub
Master Theses
To be added
‘Uncovering the Risk of Maladaptation through the Assessment of Agricultural Development Interventions’ – K. Schmit
‘Defence of the Territory and Resistance against Urban and Extractivist Projects in Xalapa (Mexico)’ – A. De San Jorge Cárdenas
‘Energy and Adaptation in Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Influence of Solar-Hybrid Mini-Grids on Adaptation in Manpura, Bangladesh’ – A. Dutton
‘Spontaneous Volunteering in the Response to the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Disaster in Türkiye’ – M.A. Mayer
‘How does Climate Change influence Migration in the Peruvian Andes? Drivers of Internal Migration in the South of Peru’ – R. Fröhlich
Intersectionality and Gender in the Global South - Tuesday 12 - 2 pm | Thursday 10 am - 12 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VIII | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Introduction to Environment and Development - Global North vs. Global South - Thursday 2 - 4 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VIII | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit (Entwicklungsgeographie) - Tuesday 10 am - 12 pm (by arrangement) | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VIII | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Humangeographie Aufbau kompakt - Tuesday 2 - 6 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VIII | Seminar (Dr. Johannes Dittmann)
Methodenpraktikum - Block Event (27.05.2024 - 31.05.2024) 9 am - 5 pm | Seminar (Dr. Johannes Dittmann)
Introduction to Literature Review Methodologies for Human and Development Geography - Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room VI | Seminar (Inès Bakhtaoui)
Advanced Human Geography: Methods - Block Event (23.05.2024 - 29.05.2024) 9 am - 5 pm | Seminar (Douwe van Schie)
Introducing Qualitative Methods and Ethics in Social Research - Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room II | Seminar (Douwe van Schie)
A Critical Perspective on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Global South - Tuesday 12 - 4 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VII | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
History of Environmental Justice - from Martin Luther King Jr. to the Climate Crisis - Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room II | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Humangeographie Basis - Tuesday 10 am - 12 pm | Thursday 8 - 10 am | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Alfred-Philippson-Hörsaal | Lecture (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit - Wednesday 12 - 2 pm (fortnightly) | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room II | Colloquium
(Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Was machen Entwicklungsakteure? Erkundung von Entwicklungsorganisationen rund um Bonn - Block Event (14.02.2024 -
16.02.2024) 9 am - 5 pm | Field Trip (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Einführung in Quantitative Methoden in der Humangeographie - Thursday 8 - 10 am | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room II | Seminar (Dr. Johannes Dittmann)
Qualitative Methods of Research in the Global South - Monday 12 - 2 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room VI | Seminar
(Dr. Zainab Khalid)
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Social Research - Thursday 8 - 10 am | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VIII | Seminar (Douwe van Schie)
Exploring different perspectives on climate change and development - Wednesday 10 am - 12 pm | Block Event
(05.06.2023 - 09.06.2023) 9 am - 5 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room II | Project Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Kolloquium zur Masterarbeit - Thursday 4 - 6 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VII | Colloquium
(Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Methodenpraktikum I - Block Event (28.08.2023 - 01.09.2023) 9 am - 5 pm | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Methodenpraktikum II - Block Event (04.09.2023 - 08.09.2023) 9 am - 5 pm | Seminar (Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Seminar zur Bachelorarbeit - Thursday 8 - 10 am (by arrangement) | Meckenheimer Allee 166 - Room II | Seminar
(Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper)
Einführung in Methoden der Ethnographie - Thursday 4 - 6 pm | Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Room VIII | Seminar
(Dr. Johannes Dittmann)
Methodenpraktikum - Block Event (03.08.2023 - 05.08.2023) 9 am - 5 pm | Block Event (07.08.2023 - 08.08.2023)
9 am - 5 pm | Seminar (Dr. Johannes Dittmann)
Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper
Geozentrum - Meckenheimer Allee 176
53115 Bonn