Final Theses

The basis for the first discussion of the thesis is a 2-3 page synopsis in which you present your research interest, research object and theoretical-conceptual foundations of your work as well as - in the case of an empirical project - the planned methodological approach and establish connections to existing research debates in geography. 
Appointments for consultation hours can be made via the DFN scheduler. Please send the exposé by e-mail at least three days before the consultation date.

Topics for final theses

  • On theoretical foundations of social geography (governmentality and discourse theory in geography, feminist geographies, affective and emotional geographies, "new materialism" etc.)
  • In the field of critical urban studies (neoliberal city, planetary urbanism, postcolonial urban theories, etc.) 
  • On topics in political ecology (neoliberal natures, geographies of food, etc.) 
  • On Science and Technology Studies (smart living, GMOs, vertical farming, etc.)
  • Social transformation processes in housing
  • Housing, technology and infrastructure 
  • Housing and nature
  • Gender orders of housing
  • Institutional housing in prisons, clinics, homes
  • Housing in stigmatized neighborhoods
  • social exclusion and urban marginality (e.g. regarding housing shortage, homelessness, social control in public space, neoliberal urban development, urban social movements, etc.)
  • urban technopolitics (e.g., on privatization and remunicipalization of public services, right to infrastructure, governance of large-scale technological systems, etc.) 
  • knowledge and policy transfer between cities, urban policy mobilities
  • urban agriculture
  • "green" consumerism
  • Global and local food systems
  • Land use conflicts (natural parks, agriculture, wildlife, local recreation)
  • Alternative agricultural practices
  • Conceptions of nature, culture, wilderness
  • Conflicts about animals in urban areas
Avatar Marquardt

Nadine Marquardt

1.023 (226)

Meckenheimer Allee 166

53115 Bonn

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