Based on the research conducted by the RG, teaching activities include diverse approaches such as advanced and block seminars, project and method seminars, excursions and the supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses.
Winter Semester 2023/24
The courses for the winter semester 2023/24 are distributed over the week as follows, as shown in the timetable:
Mondays: Monday afternoon Tariq Kosa gives an introduction to Intercultural Medial Integration according to the concept of Unity in Diversity.
Tuesdays: There is no teaching of the RG on this day.
Wednesday: Wednesday starts with the lecture on fields of study in human geography, partially led by Prof. Hörschelmann. At the same time, Dr. Kirndörfer's research seminar on Introduction to Spaces and Practices of Urban Self-Organization will take place. Wednesday afternoon, Prof.Hörschelmann gives a seminar introducing the Geographies of Gender.
Thursday: Thursday morning Dr. Kirndörfer leads a seminar on participatory methods in human geography.
Over lunch, Prof. Hörschelmann's seminar on Places of Memory will take place. In addition to this regular seminar date, there will be an excursion to the former Nazi Ordensburg Vogelsang.
Thursday afternoon offers space for the masters' colloquium of Prof. Hörschelmann and a seminar on Cultural Geography by Dr. Dame.
Friday: The teaching week of the AG will close late Friday morning with the lecture on the philosophy of science, held by Prof. Hörschelmann together with Prof. Klaus.

About the individual teachers:
Theses in the RG Cultural Geography
In the research group Cultural Geography we strive for a high quality supervision for theses. As a rule, you choose the topics for these yourself. For orientation, please refer to the research interests of the working group, which are listed on our website and in the profiles of the individual lecturers.
Bachelor theses
A total of 3-4 consultation appointments of about 30 minutes in length.
- One consultation before submitting the exposé
- One consultation after submitting the exposé
- One or two consultations after registration
Master theses
A total of 5-6 consultation appointments of about 30 minutes in length.
- One consultation before submitting the exposé
- One consultation after submitting the exposé
- Three to four consultations after registration