The Role of Social Science in Future-Making - Prof. Elísio Macamo (Trailer)
Elísio Macamo from the University of Basel talks about the role of social science for the future of rural Africa. His message to Europe is to raise awareness for colonialism in history and to make clear from what position we are talking about future-making. Methods of future-making are not innocent and even "rural Africa" has to be put into context. This video is the cutted version of the interview.
The Role of Social Science in Future-Making - Prof. Elísio Macamo (Trailer)
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
CRC, Elísio Macamo, social science, future, future-making, rural, Africa, colonialism, awareness, black geographies, Europe, history, methods
2 Min
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Patrick Augenstein
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
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