The invisible horror of infrastructure projects - Dr. Theo Aalders
In this lecture, Theo Aalders talks about his research on the LAPSSET corridor. He delves deeper into the topic of ghost projects and the invisible horror of future infrastructure. This is a more conceptual point, a proposal to think about the way people deal with invisible, non-existent projects through the lens of horror. Theo Aalders is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geography, University of Bonn. As part of his work for the Collaborative Research Centre “Future Rural Africa” he studies geographies of the future of unbuilt and unfinished hydropower projects in East Africa. He collaborates with artists and local communities to create collaborative comics and art works as a methodological entry point to researching futures.
The Invisible Horror of Infrastructure Projects - Dr. Theo Aalders
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
Lapsset-corridor, ghost projects, infrastructure, future, invisibility, hydropower, local communities, artistic approach, comics, art
18 Min
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Patrick Augenstein, Detlef Müller-Mahn
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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