Domesticating Responsibility: Refugee Hosting and the UK's 'Homes for Ukraine' Scheme - Prof. Kathy Burrell
In this lecture, Prof. Kathy Burrell talks about the UK's 'Homes for Ukraine' scheme. She explores the responsibilities of hosting, the role of authorities, hosts and 'guests'. She is professor of Migration Geographies at the University of Liverpool. Her research focuses on migration management, mobility, material culture and home. Another focus of her research is the reception of Ukrainian refugees in the UK.
Domesticating Responsibility: Refugee Hosting & the UK's 'Homes for Ukraine' Scheme - Prof. Kathy Burrell
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
migration, Ukraine, housing, hosting, guest, authorities, displacement, refugees, asylum, domestic housing, housing crisis, vulnerability
50 Min
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Hanna Schmid
Geographisches Institut de Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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