COP 2022 Abidjan - Drought and IWG 2022
Drought events are occurring with increasing frequency around the world, leading to land degradation and loss of agricultural land, among other impacts. The COP 2022 in Abidjan calls on the parties worldwide to stop these developments. The video sums up all declarations proposed on the COP 2022 and at the end, Ibrahim Thiaw, executive director UNCCD, speaks to the audience.
COP 2022 Abidjan - Drought and IWG 2022
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
drought, COP, Abidjan, 2022, UNCCD, landdegradation, summary, declarations, shout out, climate change
5 Min
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Patrick AugensteinCopyright
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
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