A walk through gardens of the Haller foundation in Kenya - 360°-Video
Discover Haller Farmers, an innovative approach for sustainable farming techniques and practical innovations to African smallholders. It's a guide for effective farming and conservation on a 1000 sq meter plot, including fish ponds and agroforestry. At Haller, the roots run deep; with over 60 years of expertise, the ecologist has been rejuvenating landscapes and communities across Africa, paving a sustainable path for a stable global future. Haller’s vision transcends borders; partnering with global entities, local NGOs, and innovative thinkers, to co-create a sustainable and inclusive blueprint for our planet’s localised future. The 360 degree all-round view can be controlled using the button at the top left.
A walk through gardens of the Haller foundation in Kenya - 360°-Video
Bild © Geographisches Institut Universität Bonn / YouTube
Haller Foundation, Kenya, smallholder farming, agriculture, sustainability, 360 Grad
3 Min
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Hanna Schmid
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn (GIUB)
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