Christine Wenzl
Christine Wenzl
Former Staff RG Müller-Mahn
  • Geographies of food and work Site ontology, social practices feminist geographies
Ausgewählte Publikationen

"Beyond the Producer-Consumer-Divide: Vegetarian Food in German Canteens". Workshop Food Systems, Cologne, 28.10.2017

"Lunch in the Canteen: Intersecting Practices of 'Work' and 'Break'. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017, Tübingen, 03.10.2017

"Empirical Resarch Practice and Schatzki's Practice Theory - Methodological Implications". Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017, Tübingen, 02.10.2017

"Lunch Break - Working Lunch. An ethnographic study in German Canteens". RGS_IBG Annual International Conference 2017, London, 30.08.2017

"Shared meals at work: An ethnography of an underrated social phenomenon in German canteens". Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society and Agriculture, Food & Human Values, Los Angeles, 16.06.2017.

"Food geographies at work. Practice theory and workplace catering in Germany". RELATE workshop, Tampere, Finnland, 29.09.2016

"The doing of convenience food in workplace canteens". ESA Consumption Midterm Conference, Bologna, 08.09.2016

"Convenience Food and Convenient Food - Evidence from German Canteens". Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, Aarhus, Dänemark, 18.05.16.

"Perspektiven der Feministischen Geographie". Workshop im Rahmen der Workshop-Reihe "Kritische Geographien" an der Universität Heidelberg. Heidelberg, 12.05.2016

"Food Geographies at Work". Neue Kulturgeographie XIII, Graz, 29.01.2016, zusammen mit PD Dr. Jonathan Everts.

"¿Selbstentfaltung oder "por Amor"? Migrationsentscheidungen mexikanischer AbsolventInnen in Bayern". Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2015, Berlin, 02.10.2015.

Christine Wenzl
Christine Wenzl
Former Staff RG Müller-Mahn
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